Terms & Acronyms
Terms & Acronyms
Finance and Banking
How Decentralised Convertible Virtual Currency Works as a Payments Mechanism

Functional aspects of decentralised convertible VC networks of single-currency VC payments networks, like Bitcoin (not specifically for currency-agnostic platforms like Ripple)
Also see FATF’s June 2014 Virtual Currencies—Key Definitions and Potential AML/CFT Risks

Solution:a distributed online public ledger, called the blockchain, and on public key cryptography to verify transactions.
Blockchain:The blockchain functions as a public transaction reporting system.
Participating in the Bitcoin
Without intermediaries Intermediaries Infrastructure

Smart Contracts
AML/KYC & Fraud Reduction
ICOs & Tokens
Network Payments
Network Payments
Brief background



Prepaid Cards
Prepaid Cards

Virtual/Cryptocurrencies: ML & TF Vulnerabilities and Typologies
Virtual/Cryptocurrencies: ML & TF Vulnerabilities and Typologies
Risk Based Approach
Risk Based Approach
Global Funds Flow Viz
Global Funds Flow Viz
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

AI Financial crimes and compliance

Advantages of using AI/ML systems for the purposes of AML/CFT monitoring and analysis

Machine Learning Process

Machine Learning Algorithms include

AI/ML Terminology

Anomaly Detection: Involves identification of rare or unusual items that differ from the majority of data and uses unsupervised learning to separate and detect strange occurrences. Anomaly detection is well suited in scenarios such as fraud detection and malware detection.

Association: Association Learning is used to uncover the rules that describe the data (related items)

Auto-encoder: an unsupervised artificial neural network that learns how to efficiently compress and encode data then learns how to reconstruct the data back from the reduced encoded representation to a representation that is as close to the original input as possible.

Classification: Grouping of similar data points into different sections in order to classify them. In other words, classification is the best way to separate data points with a line (i.e. linear separatability)

Clustering: In unsupervised learning clustering is used to create groups with differing characteristics. Clustering attempts to find various subgroups within a dataset. Because it is unsupervised learning, there is no restriction to any set of labels and to choose how many clusters to create.

Dataset: A set of data examples, that contain features important to solving the problem.

Decision Boundaries: The lines drawn between classes;

Decision Surface: The entire area that is chosen to define a class. Data point that falls within the decision surface boundaries are assigned a certain class.

Deep Belief Networks: algorithms that use probabilities and unsupervised learning to produce outputs. They are composed of binary latent variables, and they contain both undirected layers and directed layers. Unlike other models, each layer in deep belief networks learns the entire input.

Deep Learning: Deep learning uses a technique that gives machines an enhanced ability to find—and amplify—even the smallest patterns. This technique is called a deep neural network—deep because it has many, many layers of simple computational nodes that work together to munch through data and deliver a final result in the form of the prediction.

Dimensionality Reduction: Dimensionality reduction aims to find the most important features to reduce the original feature set down into a smaller more efficient set that still encodes the important data. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a commonly used technique.

Features: Important pieces of data that help us understand a problem. These are fed in to a Machine Learning algorithm to help it learn.

Generative Adversarial Networks: Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) use two neural networks— a generator and discriminator. The generator generates output and the discriminator critiques it. By battling against each other they both become increasingly skilled.
By using a network to both generate input and another one to generate outputs there is no need for us to provide explicit labels every single time and so it can be classed as semi-supervised.

Linear Separability: whether features in data sets can be separated linearly (i.e. with a line)

Machine Learning: Machine-learning algorithms use statistics to find patterns in massive amounts of data. Being able to adapt to new inputs and make predictions is the crucial generalisation part of machine learning. Such technology has tremendous utility in financial crimes detection and analysis as financial transactions are increasing conducted and recorded in electronic form producing voluminous data.

Model: The representation (internal model) of a phenomenon that a Machine Learning algorithm has learnt. It learns this from the data it is shown during training. The model is the output you get after training an algorithm. For example, a decision tree algorithm would be trained and produce a decision tree model.

Neural Networks: Neural networks were vaguely inspired by the inner workings of the human brain. The nodes are sort of like neurons, and the network is sort of like the brain itself.

Regression: Regression is another form of supervised learning. The difference between classification and regression is that regression outputs a number rather than a class. Therefore, regression is useful when predicting number based problems like stock market prices, the temperature for a given day, or the probability of an event.

Regression Algorithms:

Reinforcement Learning: A reinforcement algorithm learns by trial and error to achieve a clear objective. It tries out lots of different things and is rewarded (positive reinforcement) or penalized (negative reinforcement) depending on whether its behaviors help or hinder it from reaching its objective.

Supervised learning: In supervised learning the data is labeled to tell the machine exactly what patterns it should look for. The goal is to learn the mapping (the rules) between a set of inputs and outputs (relationship).
Supervised Learning Model can only imitate exactly what it was set up to learn. It is crucial to set up the model with reliable and unbiased examples.

Supervised learning algorithm types: Logistic Regression and the Back Propagation Neural Network

Semi-supervised learning: is a mix between supervised and unsupervised approaches. Allows the ability to mix together a small amount of labeled data with a much larger unlabeled dataset it reduces the burden of having enough labeled data.

Unsupervised learning: In unsupervised learning, the data has no labels. The machine just looks for whatever patterns it can find. Used in cyber security and financial crimes analysis. Can be regarded as a laissez-faire approach to knowledge discovery.

Unsupervised learning algorithm types: Apriori algorithm and K-Means

For Additional AI/ML related terms and definitions:

Monitoring & Analysis
Monitoring & Analysis
Model Risk Management
Model Risk Management
Regulations & Cases
Regulations & Cases
Regulatory Initiatives
Regulatory Initiatives
Cyber Security
Cyber Security

Country RBA & Regs
Country RBA & Regs